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- Handicap Information
- --------------------
- Handicap Index:
- The formula used by GolfLog to produce the Handicap Index has
- been revised to provide results that should match the Handicap
- Index provided by both the United States Golf Association and
- the Royal Canadian Golf Association.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Differentials:
- The Handicap Index is determined based on the differentials
- from a selected number of 18-hole rounds the Golfer has played.
- The criteria for selecting these differentials is as follows:
- Number of Differentials
- Rounds Used
- ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1-4 ---- No Index calculated if less than 5 18-hole rounds
- 5 ---- Lowest 1 of all 18-hole rounds
- 6-7 ---- Lowest 2 of all 18-hole rounds
- 8-9 ---- Lowest 3 of all 18-hole rounds
- 10-11 ---- Lowest 4 of all 18-hole rounds
- 12-13 ---- Lowest 5 of all 18-hole rounds
- 14-15 ---- Lowest 6 of all 18-hole rounds
- 16-17 ---- Lowest 7 of all 18-hole rounds
- 18 ---- Lowest 8 of all 18-hole rounds
- 19 ---- Lowest 9 of all 18-hole rounds
- 20 ---- Lowest 10 of all 20 18-hole rounds
- 21+ ---- Lowest 10 of LAST 20 18-hole rounds
- >> Note that when a Golfer has 21 or more rounds of 18 holes, the
- >> lowest 10 differentials from the last 20 rounds are used. The
- >> "last 20 rounds" are based on the last twenty 18-hole rounds
- >> entered into the GolfLog database. For this reason it is VERY
- >> INPORTANT that Game Records be entered in the order they were
- >> played (by date). 9-hole rounds are recorded but not used in
- >> handicap computations however they are included in all the stats.
- Differentials are determined by the following method:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When the Gross Score is higher than the course Rating, the
- course Rating is subtracted from the Gross Score. When the
- Gross Score is lower than the course Rating, the Gross Score
- is subtracted from the course Rating. The next step is to
- multiply 113 by the figure from the above calculation then
- dividing that figure by the course Slope. This figure is
- carried to ONLY ONE decimal place WITHOUT ROUNDING.
- Example: A Golfer shoots a Score of 86 on a course with a
- Rating of 71.5 The Rating of 71.5 is subtracted
- from the Score of 86 giving a result of 14.5
- 113 is multilpied by 14.5 giving a result of 1638.5
- This is divided by 133 producing a Handicap Differential
- for this game of 12.3
- 113 x 14.5 = 1638.5 = 12.3 (Differential)
- ------
- 133
- GolfLog automatically determines the Handicap Differential for
- each game at the time it is recorded and saved in the database.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Course Handicap:
- A Golfer does not play off his/her Handicap Index. Rather a
- Course Handicap must be determined using the following method:
- Multiply the Handicap Index by the Slope value of the
- course being played and divide by 113. The resulting
- figure is ROUNDED to the nearest whole number (.5 is
- rounded upward).
- Example: A Golfer with a Handicap Index of 11.7 playing
- on a course with a Slope value of 133
- 11.7 x 133 = 1556.1 = 13.7 (round to 14 for Course Handicap)
- ------
- 113
- To obtain the Slope value of a Course, contact the Club Pro or
- Manager. In many cases, both the Slope and Rating are listed
- on the score card provided by the Club.
- When adding a Game Record to the database, GolfLog will always
- automatically determine the Course Handicap for that round (if
- the golfer has an established Handicap Index).
- To get a quick Course Handicap use the "Quickie" option under
- the HANDICAP heading at the Main Menu.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- OverAll Differential:
- The figure shown as a Golfer's OverAll Differential is based on
- the Golfer's Handicap Index. This figure can be used to measure
- improvement over days, weeks, months, most improved Golfer, etc.
- It is updated after each new 18-hole game is added to the database.
- After you have recorded 5 18-hole games, make a note of your
- OverAll Differential then compare it to the revised figure after
- your record additional games (if it gets lower, you're improving).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Other:
- The Handicap Index provided by GolfLog is not to be considered as
- ones "official" Handicap Index. It is NOT to be used in place of a
- Handicap Index provided by the U.S.G.A. or the R.C.G.A. when you
- are entering tournaments. The Course Handicap provided by GolfLog
- should match that provided by the U.S.G.A. and the Royal Canadian
- Golf Association (provided the same Slope and Handicap Index values
- are used).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- It is IMPORTANT that Game Records be entered in the order they
- were played (by date) to insure accurate Handicap Index results.
- This document may be printed by typing: COPY HANDICAP.DOC PRN